The Hunted Synopsis...

Elena Manory is by no means an ordinary teenage girl. Being born with the ability to heal herself from any injury, and with the knowledge that on her eighteenth birthday she will become a Vampire, Elena is aware that she is more than a little different from other girls her age. It isn’t until she meets William Granville, an alluring and impossibly handsome vampire, that she begins to question her destiny and what secrets the Institute of Magical Intervention and her adopted family have withheld—secrets that could change the fates of not only her own life, but of the lives of all the immortals. As events spiral out of control, William may be the only person Elena can place her trust in. He, and Elena’s magical family, must fight to save her, joining forces to defeat a common, deadly foe. For William, it is his chance to save the girl that he has searched eternity to find.

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99c on Amazon so a new author & series discovery which has left me grinning from ear to ear. I absolutely loved this one and I'm going 4.5 stars. The character is a great laugh, and sarcasm hits some good high notes. Completely amusing. This is a YA novel, so keep that in mind. Having said that, no out of order immaturity to hit you upside the head. This book starts out in Cairns, QLD, Australia, so that's a refreshing change and I note the next book moves on to Europe. Plenty of arse-kicking action, great and varied characters and droll humour. There's nothing else I want in a book so far. It would be nice if she loses that virginity somewhere in the series, just to add a bit of extra bite in here at some stage. Well, aside from plenty of gratuitous violence. 🙂 I've moved on to the next book already. Smile.
Running Rabbit
Fantastic. Fan-FREAKING-tastic. So unbelievably awesome. Thank you book gods for smiling down upon me at the beginning of 2016 and seeing fit to bestow upon me a series worth biting into. Its everything that the paranormal fantasy genre has been built on but so much more. You cannot imagine how many times I was squealing and jumping up and down because my nerdy need for a good paranormal book was fulfilled. More than fulfilled. My cup run'eth over!!! I'm beyond giddy, if you can't tell. I'm serious. If I have to read one more wanna be paranormal Twilight copycat- I'm going to burn down the publishing company who published it. So imagine my absolute joy at finding a book with a complete and absolutely different kind of story. Yes, we have werewolves and we have vampires and we have magic wielders... *ahem* Protectors. Not only that, but we have a kick butt, sassy, can take care of herself- don't need no saving here heroine. She is beyond bad-ass. She is like... the anti-Bella of paranormal books everywhere. Thank you, Jesus! (P.s. - I actually loved the Twilight series. The aftermath of unoriginal books trying to copy the epic that was Twilight? Yeah, not so much) Bottom line, this book is A-mazing. Capital 'A' here! I highly recommend this book to anyone, everywhere.
Brilliant story simply put. I was able to finish the whole book in a day not being able to put the book down unless I had to. Always making me guess what's going to happen next and if Elena's "attitude" would finally be the end of her. I really do hope that another book will continue telling us readers more of Elena's adventures and her oh so interesting love life. Another reason why I love this book is that it was based in Australia, though that could make me slightly biased in my opinions on this book as I was born in Queensland. Though it still doesn't take away the fact that I enjoyed this book a lot and recommend most to read it. Letting them take the enjoyable ride the book will undoubtably take them on.
Throughout the pages of The Hunted, Kristy Berridge delivers a modern, distinctly Aussie Vamp tale with a bevy of calculated twists. You want gore, you've got it. You want suspense and a dash of amour, it's there. Kristy's clever wit and dry sense of humour shines through with her protagonist Elena, and her ability to pen relatable, tightly woven descriptive is a definite strength many young authors in her genre fail to possess. All in all, I truly enjoyed this book, and I'm hanging out for the next instalment.
Kylie Walker
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