The Condemned Synopsis...
War is coming and there is nothing Elena can do to prevent it. The Vampires have been pitted against the Werewolves—the ultimate showdown, cleverly orchestrated by the Institute of Magical Intervention. To top it off, her adopted brother Lucas is still missing, presumably a hostage of The Protectors. Travelling in secret, Elena sets off across the globe, determined to uncover some hidden self-truths. At the same time, she must avoid Roshan, a fearsome alpha werewolf determined to make her his mate, escape the ever aspiring clutches of the psychotic vampire known as Julius who seeks revenge for past injustice, and ignore the machinations of a mind-meddling angel resolute in his goal to shift the balance between darkness and light. Being a half-breed has never been so hard, but Elena can’t stop now. She’s hunted, she hungers, and the war waits for no one.