The Aligned Synopsis...

Trouble is Elena Manory’s middle name and constant companion. Her adopted brother Lucas is missing, and her body is going through further bizarre and surprising changes. Killing has become second nature and distancing herself from the men in her life a hobby. But more trouble is on its way: The Institute of Magical Intervention wants to harvest Elena’s blood for nefarious intent; the werewolves plan to dominate, feed and breed with her; and, to add insult to injury, a psychopathic vampire hellbent on revenge is relentlessly hunting her. Kidnapped and kept under constant duress, Elena’s salvation once again rests in the cold hands of the enigmatic William Granville. Blood is on the menu and her earlier fears of turning hairy at full moon are well founded. It’s time for Elena to sharpen her claws and kick some serious ass.

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Firstly: I am just going to begin by saying, AUSSIE'S REPRESENT. I am stoked that this book, even though it is set in Europe, is predominantly Australian and written by an Australian author. Just sayin'. Okay back on track. So I just finished reading The Aligned by Kristy Berridge and can I just say... Wow. This book is crazy. You think you know what's up with the vampires, Vanators (werewolves) and The Protectors (people with magic) but then Kristy Berridge just goes and throws a spanner in the works. Along with an intense—INTENSE— love triangle, heart racing battle scenes and a sarcastic, stubborn, resilient Aussie teenage girl, this book series is one you have to read. So everybody, put down your Twilight books and your soppy romance novels in favour of a strong, independent, albeit slightly confused heroine who after being kidnapped twice by the enemy, everybody wanting her dead, having to choose between two very attractive moody vamps and having to deal with the fact that she is half-vampire/half-Vanator, still has time to crack a joke. She puts her Protector/Human/Something-else brother Lucas above all and will stop at nothing to find him and keep him safe, even if it's puts her at risk. She will do absolutely anything to protect the people she loves. This series just keeps getting more intense and more complicated, I can't wait for the next instalments to see what happens to these characters. (I'm hoping that Chester and the rest of the jerk Protectors get it at some point. They, especially Chester, are so flippin' irritating and frustrating, I want to punch them in the face so I can't imagine how Elena feels. Oh and Roshan. And Julian. Ugh Roshan and Julian are so creepy. *shudders* Sorry rant over.) If you like horror, action, adventure, wit, a sarcastic and strong heroine, attractive vampires, and an intense love triangle go and pick up The Hunted Series by Kristy Berridge.
This series is really good and doesn't hold any punches. Bones get broken, people get hurt and it's quite a nerve-wracking ride. Elena is still annoyingly headstrong and stubborn though.
This is still awesome series, but.... my God, can we please get to the freaking climax already? I need to know what is really going on and this continuous build- up with no release is starting to slowly kill me! I love the writing though. The author does a phenomenal job capturing the exact tenor of emotions and the complexities of each individual character. It's just that I need... more?? Trust me, I'm just as confused as you are right now. I just want to the story to keep moving forward and while yes, we definitely get some questions answered in this installment, I just feel like we are at a stand-still. In my personal experience, this is what normally happens in a trilogy and I call it the "the 2nd book filler syndrome". This is where I am at with this series. Although, I am most definitely excited for the next installment, I just need it to be more than this one was.
Miss Berridge continues to prove just why she is one of my favorite authors. Once again I'm left begging for more. I'm so addicted to this series.
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