Diary of a Teenage Zombie Synopsis...

Dear Diary. Today I ate the mailman. My bad. Being seventeen is hard―Katie Palmer has to deal with school, pimples, hormonal boys, and malicious cheerleaders. After the Zombie Apocalypse, though, she no longer sweats the usual teenage drama. Athletics star by day and flesh-eater by night, Katie’s done well to hide her transformation from friends and Zone-sanctioned security, but someone or something’s onto her secret, and if Katie doesn’t end up feeding soon she’ll literally waste away. Dead bodies are piling up and all the evidence is pointing into her own blood-stained hands. Will Katie kill the competition before security discovers she’s rotten underneath?

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Reviews ...

Think IZombie meets Buffy. This author, who's new to me, has a unique voice that at times had me giggling to myself and at others had me biting my nails. Bits of the storyline may have been somewhat predictable, but that didn't make it any less exciting to read. If there had been more characters in the book this probably could have been avoided. Katie, who is a highly functioning teenage zombie, is a snarky, sarcastic character whose zingers made me laugh. Even though she was one of the undead I rooted for her to survive and somehow be cured because she still showed compassion and humanity at times. I think her love for her little brother was also a redeeming quality for her that won me over. If you're a cult classic, Night of the Living Dead fan, then this might not be for you, but if you like fresh takes, unique views, creative imagination, and great descriptions with witty dialogue, then this is up your alley. This book certainly made me want to read more by this author! Give it a go. It may be about a teenager, but it doesn't read like some mushy YA novel. There is some gore to be had!
Alex Apostle
Goodreads Author
I'm not typically one to read books with zombies but this one if definitely an exception! Such a funny read with a well thought out storyline, definitely recommend to others who aren't normally fans of zombies
I surprised myself by actually enjoying this novel. After the painful fail of trying to reading Candor I thought myself done with YA, but apparently I can still chug down some. Admittedly there were instances that became annoying, too much focus on high school social life, peer pressure, and popularity and such. But I managed to chalk it up to, in some way it makes sense that when on some unconscious level at least you feel your life unwinding towards the inevitable, you may want to live whatever time you have left acording to the rules and structures you are most familiar with. Beyond the humour ( plenty of witty remarks being thrown around) and the gore and the none-vegan menus and very visual descriptions, I thought there was depth to the story too. The true power house, though, remains the zombie-POV and the interesting take on this widely explored motif of zombies. I also appreciated the really rare motif of the post zombie apocalypse setting. Books more often deal with the fall-out, the before and after, but this novel went even further and sets the story in a time when society is well on its way towards recovering from the fall-out. The zombies have been wiped out mostly and society is pretending to be back to business as usual. The ending freaked me out a bit, I did not see the whole Running Man thing happening in the context of this novel. Maybe intended to leave things open enough to allow for an above-zero chance of a happy ending. Which admittedly even I would like.
Dmitri Parker
The characters are strongly built and realistic. (Besides the whole zombie thing!) Katie acts like a normal teenage girl struggling to fit in. Haven't we all had rumors spread about us? Or been teased? I know I have! Berridge brings these fictional characters to life. Diary of a Teenage Zombie is the perfect blend of action and description! Berridge knows when to keep the action going and when to slow down and describe the scene a little more. This is a quality that more authors should use in their writing. I've never read anything like this book! A soda infecting a whole race, almost to extinction. Who could've guessed that? Not to mention the way that the zombies live among them unknown! The writing is good throughout the whole book. I did find a couple of errors, but they were barely noticeable. The reading level changes as Katie goes along, I believe this is to show how she ages, and her knowledge expands. The ending was MY weakness! It had nothing to do with Berridge. She completed a great book with a perfect ending. A cliffhanger again! Why do these authors keep doing this? I really hope there's a next book. If there isn't, I might cry!
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