100 Days of Happiness Synopsis...

One hundred days of happiness or is it? A witty rendition of a woman post-divorce experiencing tumultuous highs and rock bottom lows. Starting over never seemed so backwards or tarred with such naivety, but what’s a woman to do when faced with first time navigation in the field of dating, casual sex and dildo operation? Master them all! Light-hearted and ridiculously relatable, 100 days of Happiness will have you clutching your stomach and questioning the truth in every unfolding experience.

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Reviews ...

I appreciate the self-discovery of this woman to know that she was enough. I also found the injected humor relatable.
Regan L Maher
I loved every sentence of this book -my only disappointment was that it ended!!!! Humour coupled with the light and easy style of writing made the deep subject of self discovery after divorce a delightful journey. Laugh out loud moments, quirkiness, dates, adventure and wonderful insights. Once wasn't enough for me -I'm heading back in there to read it again 🙂
Bronwyn Davidson
This was the funniest book that I have read in a very long time. Can honestly say that in some sections I literally laughed until I cried. Amazing light-hearted read, one I enjoyed immensely. Thank you.
Two days lost in the world of singledom and dating, evoking memories of past misdemeanours and smiling along to the antics that women face when hitting the dating world. Excellently written, easily readable and thoroughly enjoyed!
Sam Smith
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