The Delivered Synopsis...

Life is a swift lesson, one that Elena Manory has finally begun to understand and one that she willingly gave up in the name of love. She’s now in Purgatory, confronted by the demons of her past and the possibilities of her future, forced to choose between her soul mate and a twisted version of the life she has left behind. But the world of her past has been ravaged by war, the Vampires and werewolves forming an unlikely alliance in the face of so much adversity. Too much has changed, and Elena is not only uncertain of herself, but the expectations of others and the role they expect her to play. Will Elena stand by her decision, follow her heart and spend eternity in the arms of the one she loves? Or will she fall back to earth, stand by her brother’s side and win the ultimate battle between a life worth living and a life worth changing?

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Reviews ...

"Elena Manory is now in purgatory, confronted by the demons of her past, the possibilities of her future, forced to choose between her soul mate and a twisted version of the life she has left behind." Although the timing of the release of each book was slow, each new release was well worth waiting for. I have just finished The Delivered, the final in the series of The Hunted and it was worth the wait. I have read the entire series, Kristy Berridge's books evoke a variety of emotions. The Delivered was no different, you come to expect the author's quirky sense of humour in the pages of a book that holds your attention from the start to it's surprising conclusion. A little disappointed there will not be another in the series, however, I look forward to what Kristy will write next. I cannot recommend this author enough.
Amazon Customer
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