The Damned Synopsis...

Life for Elena Manory skipped past ordinary just over a month ago. Discovering she was born a practically invulnerable vampire-werewolf hybrid was shocking enough; but she’s also become a target, hunted by an Alpha werewolf known as Roshan, who’s fixated on the properties of her unique blood and the pleasurable possibilities of her flesh. Moving to the Institute of Magical Intervention in Romania was supposed to provide her with protection and anonymity, but Elena soon realises her enemies are legion. No one is who they seem, no agenda truly without nefarious intentions. A strange twist of fate and the actions of a vampire previously pressing for her affections lead Elena into the arms of another—one whose middle name spells trouble. Himself a vampire, Sebastian is handsome, arrogant, and perplexingly familiar. He introduces Elena to a world she never thought possible, uncovers a past believed buried, and unearths a future she may not survive.

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Maybe better than the first book? Not sure. Great characters, fabulous action sequences. Some good 'I'm such an idiot' moments, following pushing those around her to do something ridiculous. Romance, vampires, mean werewolves, conspiracy, it's all there. And loving it.
Running Rabbit
Another smashing hit in one of my new favorite series! I absolutely friggin' love these characters and the story that this author puts together. I'm serious, these are my favorite characters of 2016. Wait.... I think I've just created a new goodreads bookshelf. Yup, I totally did. I mean it though, when I wasn't reading this book, all I was doing was thinking about Elena, Sebastian, Lucas, William... you get the idea. This author is extremely original and she definitely keeps surprising me! Every time I think I might have something figured out, bam! I'm wrong. Being wrong has never felt so good. I keep getting these little hints of the upcoming darkness and I've gotta tell you, I'm totally hooked. Things are definitely about to take a turn for the worse and I know it's going to be a fantastic third book.
I lost patience somewhere over the 16 months I had to wait for this sequel to The Hunted to be ready for my Kindle. And now it’s even worse, because now I have no idea how long it will be before the third book is available and I can find out how Elena’s going to get herself out of… Oh, wait. No spoilers here! The Damned is a great second offering in this series. It starts with the introduction of a new villain and a brief warm-up/update of what’s been going on since the last book, then takes off with non-stop action until the final page. Elena has matured some over the last six months, but not enough to keep her out of immediate trouble as she tries to keep her family safe by leaving home and placing herself in the custody of the Protectors in Bucharest. “Custody’ turns out to be the operative word, because she quickly realizes that, instead of being protected, she is actually a prisoner. She manages to exacerbate the situation further by alienating almost everyone with her snarky attitude and sarcastic comments. To make things worse, everyone is out for her blood… literally. I was intrigued with how the story expanded in this book, in which more of the secret of Elena’s origins are revealed and some older, more powerful characters are introduced. Of course, there are more gorgeous, hunky male vampires (a necessary evil in these types of novels, I suppose) to create plenty of sexual tension, which makes for nice reading but emerges as a theme I’m sure will be more explored as Elena approaches her eighteenth birthday, where I bet the excrement will really hit the fan. I was also happy to see that Elena’s brother, Lucas, remains in the picture and that he will obviously play a larger role in the saga as they both deal with the ultimate betrayal. And I’m hoping there will be more of Lucius, a character I particularly bonded with, to come in the third book. Which brings me to the final negative aspect of this whole thing. I’m a glass-half-empty kind of guy, and I anticipate a long wait for book three. That’s not fair, because I’m ready now. Oh, well. Kudos to Ms. Berridge on this one and a resounding five stars.
John Hundley
Goodreads Author
I really enjoyed this book despite the main character being quite stupid at times. I had to keep reminding myself that she was a teenage girl that was part animal because it was starting to bug me a bit. She's stubborn and head-strong but her heart's in the right place. We get to meet some new characters, most of which I love and I'm itching to find out what happens next. This series does seem to have all the supernatural elements covered. If Elena could just get a reality check it would be perfect... although that is where a lot of the drama comes from. The book is exciting.
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